December 30, 2011

A Mudança VI

Now we get to the winner's circle of our portion. I told the kids there would be a prize for the best essays. However, I did not tell them what constituted having the best essay. Heck, I didn't even tell them what kind of change to write about. My criteria was that anyone who wrote something personal that truly meant it would win the prize. I wanted to read about a change they can make. Sure, theoretically they have the power to change the country or a system of corruption or kick out all the chinese, but they have even more power over their own actions and behaviors.

What I secretly wanted was to see the kids write about a change they have the power to make and I wanted them to mean it. I also watched the kids over a week before announcing the winners to see if they indeed meant what they said or just wanted to write something profound in hopes of gaining favor with me. Our first winner is Mauricio. He's not especially a profound writer, but he's an honest one. Not the sharpest tool in the shed either, but far from the dullest, very middle of the road. He also failed 8th grade this year in school. Keep that in mind reading what he has to say.

     I would like to see the teachers of Mozambique not continue to receive money from students in exchange for passing classes. Many students pass when they don't understand anything and others than understand are failing because they can't pay money. I would also like to see in school only studying one subject per day. Each day now we have five subjects and students complain that it is hard to concentrate and learn.
     I would like the president of Mozambique to not allow the entrance of so many foreigners because they use up all our resources and exploit our trees and forests. The chinese are exploiting the wood in Mozambique and it is destroying our country.
      I want for myself and others to obey and stop climbing up in the mango trees to eat mangos. We are hurting and taking from those that aren't able to climb trees and this isn't good for us or them. With this I would like to stop fighting because nobody is helped by fighting. Furthermore God does not like it, and people don't like it. I can stop fighting and if my brother [or sister in Christ] is provoking me I need to forgive them. In the orphanage, more people would be happy and get along and God would bless us in this. The changes I want to see are these.

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