December 12, 2012

How long is "Miller Time"?

Maybe you are a type-A, pocket protector-wearing, penny-pinching, nervous-Nellie budgeter in your home. You know when you go into work what percentage of your time is paying for taxes, what percent of your time is going towards your mortgage, your food, car payments, vacation fund, and what part sits burning a hole in your pocket.

Or maybe you don't worry about that stuff, que sera sera, and when all the bills have been paid you go celebrate with a shopping spree at Nordstroms, or other times you're looking under the cushions of the couch to find enough spare change for a milkshake.

Regardless of how much or little you make, each of you kind of has an idea how much money you have for entertainment, shopping, eating out and the like.

A recent story in The Economist looked at how long people have to work in order to afford a beer in different countries. In America, a person at minimum wage has to work I think only fifteen minutes to afford a pint of average-priced domestic beer. Mozambique was not listed in that study. However, a quick calculation on my napkin tells me that a Mozambican working at minimum wage (which is not an average Mozambican) needs over two hours in order to afford a beer.

Statistically, in America, you make more than minimum wage and spend even less time affording that beer.

Statistically, in Mozambique, you don't have a job that pays a minimum wage the money you live each day would barely cover the price of just one beer. If you're a resident of Nampula, its about two beers every three days. And that is with absolutely no other purchases.

And yes, beer and alcohol is a real destroyer of families here. Its a vice that requires more money than what is left over a the end of the month. It is more likely to be the first thing that comes out of a paycheck rather than the last. And I have yet to meet the person that, when imbibing, will partake of only one beer. Drinking here is an activity with the motive to forget and escape everything and the beer (or wine, or moonshine) does not stop flowing until the drinker in passed out.

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