February 17, 2011

The One where TJ takes a break

Tomorrow I'm hitching a ride with some friends going down to South Africa for about a week and a half. The trip is both business and pleasure. They're going down for business, I'm going down for the heck of it. If stuff is pretty quiet here for about a week, its cause I can't get to the internet. If not, I'll let you know how it went afterwords.

Its going to be 2.5 days of driving each way (we're in the middle of nowhere up here). My goal on the trip is to enjoy the drive (I love road trips) pick up some handy phrases in SA, and stop at the only remaining theater in Nelspruit that is showing "TRON: Legacy" in 3D.

In the mean time, pray that our car makes it and that my iPod (which is packed with only 0.3MB remaining space) works the whole way down and back. And that things don't fall apart back here at the orfonato. I always have fun stories of when Victor and Christina leaving of buildings catching on fire, tornadoes, so on... I'll be interested to see how stuff falls apart when I'm gone.


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