October 5, 2011

In Which TJ has blue eyes

As I'm getting the papers together to renew my residency here in Mozambique, I was remembering back to a conversation last year with the case worker (if that's what you call them) that was processing my paperwork. It was a long process of me filling out forms and him reading back all my answers asking if they were correct or not. We did a few other trivial things like get pictures taken and do fingerprints, but mostly it was making sure that I knew how to write and he knew how to read, as most of the time was spent with him reading what I wrote.

We got through all the normal questions like where you home country is, where you residence is in Mozambique, what you do. Then this little conversation took place. My thoughts are presented in italics.

Case Worker: And your height is 190cm.
TJ: Yes, 190cm.
CW: Wow, that's very tall. And your hair is indeed brown?
TJ: You're looking right at me, how hard can this be.
TJ: Yes, my hair is brown.
CW: And your eyes are blue?
TJ: Yes, my eyes are blue.
CW: And your weight is--- wait. Your eyes are really blue?
TJ: Yes they are.
CW: That can't be right. Eyes aren't blue. Let me see.
TJ: He really wants to see my eyes I suppose---WOW that is some uncomfortable eye contact right there.
CW: No, your eyes are white, not blue.
TJ: What? Everyone's eyes are white. Look again.
TJ: And...there we go with super uncomfortable eye contact.
CW: You're right. They aren't white. They're black.
TJ: You're really gonna make this into a thing, aren't you?
TJ: Everone's eye's are black in the middle, they're blue outside of that.
CW: But I can't put blue, that's not an eye color. Choose white or black.
TJ: Really? You can't put blue?
CW: Blue is not an eye color.
TJ: I pick blue.
TJ: Stop staring into my eyes.
CW: Fine. Blue eyes.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  2. "the case worker has been TJ-ed!!" -LCS (we got a pretty big kick out of this..-JRS)
