May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

This post is for my mom, who, despite having her son say he's moving to the other side of the world to live halfway out in the jungle in an orphanage, still calls to tell me what happened on last night's episode of "The Big Bang Theory".

Love you, Mom. A lot :)
Happy mother's day.

p.s. If Tyler told you those wiffle balls were from only him he's lying and they're actually from the both of us.

1 comment:

  1. Mom says: those whiffle balls (and bats and bag of plastic golf balls) were from all four of you because one hour earlier you all stood at the front door and proudly proclaimed "We are going to the store to get your Mother's Day gift". You all got sidetracked in the toy department and in your little boy toy joy spent all your money and forgot the reason you went there in the first place. When you got home with the aforementioned items and I asked about the Mother's Day gift, you all looked like deer caught in the headlights. I still love you all and I do miss you terribly. Love mom
