April 4, 2011

this one's kind of like an update update

This one is less about saying what's been going on than it is to say that soon I'm gonna tell you what's been going. I know there was a strange silence on the site for most of last week, save for the April Fools post. iPads. Gimme a break. Most folks in our neighborhood can't feed themselves half the time. If we all get iPads we're gonna get robbed and lynched by an angry hungry mob that will probably try to download and eat pictures of goats.

The only reason that post went up is because it was written about 3 weeks ago when I got the idea and had it scheduled to automatically go. I got called unexpectedly to Nacala last week for official orphanage business and spent 3-4 days on the road. Its a long story and involves me nearly dying several times, so if you're looking for a good bedtime story for the kids, go get a copy of Winnie the Pooh.

Anyways, that is the story I was planning on telling today, but thanks to my computer being out of charge and the power going out this morning, that didn't happen. It just now came on so I'm getting this out to tell you to stay tuned and to hear about "TJ and the Quest for the Unobtainably Obtainable Treasure".

Treasure Hunting: It's official orphanage business!

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