Goodbyes are a very awkward thing in the culture here that I'm still getting accustomed to. When people leave there is often very little fanfare, folks will not talk about it, and if they do they will mention it in a very hushed manner as if its something not polite to be talked about. To make it worse, if somebody is leaving for a long time (or for good) people will avoid them like the plague all day. Case in point, when I left for America the last time I was here, nobody talked to me for two whole days before I left. When the large group of kids left for Beira, there was little fanfare, they packed their things, said a few goodbyes, and left.
There is still something that I can't quite put my finger on. It is as if everybody is just avoiding the difficult part of the goodbye. Its not like the movies where whatever friction that accidentally builds up between people eventually gets dramatically resolved, they let their emotions flow, and dramatic music plays in the background and everybody gets a happy ending.